Sunday, July 24, 2011

sentra b13

sentra b13. Nissan Sentra B13 90-94 7/392
  • Nissan Sentra B13 90-94 7/392

  • timmillwood
    Oct 16, 05:31 PM
    I would love to see a 4gb nano phone which qwerty keyboard, 3mp camera, wi-fi and GPS

    iPhone Pro would be a good name

    sentra b13. Sentra B13 Coupe JaimeB
  • Sentra B13 Coupe JaimeB

  • Optimus Frag
    Feb 18, 10:14 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How much money round that table??!!

    Good to see that's Steve is still well enough to attend such things. Still very thin mind you.

    sentra b13. Nissan Sentra B13 año 2000
  • Nissan Sentra B13 año 2000

  • SuperCachetes
    Mar 16, 12:25 PM
    KIA joined that group over a year ago ( :D

    Correct, though I hadn't said my list was all-inclusive. :p

    IIRC, and more relevant to the post I was responding to, Volkswagen was looking at a plant site in Chattanooga at one time, but I'm not sure that ever went forward.

    sentra b13. NISSAN SENTRA B13 - Coches
  • NISSAN SENTRA B13 - Coches

  • Dooger
    Mar 20, 09:25 AM
    Who cares??? its a $500 device that can replace all computer needs of any student. Period.


    Any student? No. Just No.

    Please engage some sort of thought process before you make statements as ludicrous as this.


    sentra b13. Nissan Sentra B13 Headlight
  • Nissan Sentra B13 Headlight

  • jvmxtra
    Apr 24, 03:25 PM


    sentra b13. NISSAN SENTRA B13 1993 2
  • NISSAN SENTRA B13 1993 2

  • Abulia
    Aug 14, 10:53 AM
    Interesting article on how the Apple ads are turning off potential buyers in the recent InfoWorld. I blogged my thoughts on the campaign and WWDC here (


    sentra b13. NISSAN SENTRA B13 1994 3
  • NISSAN SENTRA B13 1994 3

  • robbieduncan
    Mar 29, 06:51 AM
    You are incorrect...

    I say "Canon EF Lens" because Canon EF-S Lenses are made specifically for the 1.6x FOVCF DSLR bodies (but still require the same FOVCF to be applied as the standard Canon EF Lenses to get the equivalent focal length comparison).[/I]

    This says exactly what I am saying and proves me right, not wrong: the same crop factor is applied to EF-s lenses as EF lenses. So a 50mm EF lens on a crop body produces the same field of view as a 50mm EF-s lens. Thanks for the proof that I am right :)

    Edit to add: if we look at the only EF-s prime, the 60mm f/2.8, (for simplicity) it states "Its angle of view is equivalent to a 96mm lens on a 35mm camera" ( showing the same 1.6 crop that would would expect for an EF lens is applied.

    sentra b13. nissan sentra b13 all power
  • nissan sentra b13 all power

  • Howardchief
    Apr 5, 05:07 PM
    Exacly what a friend of mine said when he got his new macbook and found out he needed to buy new adapters since in the 3 years they removed many (such as the analogue audio ports)

    I don't understand this. Could you or someone explain this to me please?


    sentra b13. for NISSAN SENTRA B13

  • Popeye206
    Apr 12, 08:21 PM
    Strange coincidence. Android fanboy tears have increased about 40% too.

    LOL! Good one!

    This sort of momentum from Apple in the Tablet market is going to be tough to overcome.

    sentra b13. The Nissan Sentra B13 K-Sport
  • The Nissan Sentra B13 K-Sport

  • AndyGUK
    Sep 26, 12:13 PM
    Except they're not trying to stop anybody "using" those names.

    The letter is opposing a company trade marking not simply using

    1. a generic term .... "podcast ready"...... should everyone who uses this term in future pay a royalty or get a c and d letter from Infostructure Systems Inc?

    2. stop the trade marking of a product deliberately named to cause confusion with someoner else's product.......if Apple didn't oppose this, and the trademark was granted they'd be equally likely to be sued for infringement should they use phrases like "ipodder" or "my ipod" in any product they marketed as they infringe a registered trademark!

    Maybe you should try to trademark the name of an Music Player that comes in grey, brown or blue called an eye-pod or one that plays brass band music from Yorkshire - an Aye-Pod :D


    sentra b13. Nissan Sentra B13.
  • Nissan Sentra B13.

  • rdowns
    Apr 8, 10:17 AM
    How selfish and arrogant of Obama to say he'll veto any further extensions. The House already passed a 1 week extension yesterday. And now we're facing a shutdown because Obama wants to stamp his feet like a whiny child.

    These greedy left-wingers refusing to cut the fat out of the budget are going to force financial hardship on hundreds of thousands of people if there's a shut-down. They need to put their arrogance aside for a moment, and realize that the budget has to be fixed. now. $Trillions in debt? And they want to spend more on bull #$%& social programs? Talk about clueless. When you're this far in debt, you can't afford to flush more money down the toilet on controversial programs like NPR, Planned Parenthood, etc.

    The paltry few cuts they've agreed to so far, is as if I made $50k a year, spent $90k a year, had $1 million in credit card debt and thought I could fix everything by no longer going out to dinner a few times a month. What a joke. :rolleyes:

    Your rant would be pretty good if it contained any truth.

    What controversial about women health issues? No federal money is used for abortions; that's been the law of the land for quite some time. Why do the Republicans keep bringing it up? This isn't about the budget, it's about ideology.

    Both sides are disingenuous but the Republicans are much worse.

    sentra b13. 2 Sentra emblems,
  • 2 Sentra emblems,

  • alent1234
    Dec 27, 09:05 PM
    You're talking about a whole country. As it is right now there are more iPhones in NYC than anywhere else. In order for this to be true it would mean tens of thousands of NYers, at least, are having their personal info stolen. Also, why only the iPhone? Wouldn't these thieves with all their stolen info just move onto another AT&T phone that costs just as much? Such as BB? Why hasn't any other telco stopped onlines sales of any of their high priced phones in NYC? Surely these thieves wouldn't just buy one phone.

    To believe this you would have to jump through many conclusions, some being illogical.

    NYC has so many ethnicities, people probably ship them to other countries


    sentra b13. NISSAN SENTRA SER B13

  • tktaylor1
    Apr 27, 07:34 PM
    It should not matter what "I think" about Trump as it relates to your vote. But, I think you are trying to get a deeper sense of the candidate by asking others, which seems both reasonable yet misguided to me. My suggestion is that, at the end of the day, vote your conscience based on what HE SAYS and DOES and not what others interpret. You have a moral compass, use it.

    I asked this because I am new to politics and want to learn more about it. When people answer this question most of the time they have reasons to back it up like things the candidate has done in the past. I am just trying to learn more about politics is all. And it starts a good thread full of information for me to read.

    sentra b13. Turbo Sentra B13 amp; B11 @ th
  • Turbo Sentra B13 amp; B11 @ th

  • bumzo1
    Mar 5, 01:55 PM
    I'm probably going to hit up the northpark store


    sentra b13. Click Video Sentra B13 Vs
  • Click Video Sentra B13 Vs

  • mingoglia
    Apr 16, 03:51 PM
    Yea unless he's awarded another Pulitzer that is... :rolleyes:

    Apple is really disgusting me with this $#*(%&*( behavior. They really need to completely reevaluate their criteria and make it CRYSTAL EFFING CLEAR what IS and was IS NOT acceptable and then stand by it. None of this 'reject Google Voice because it duplicates functionality' and then 'approve the Opera web browser'. Reject an APP because it 'ridicules public figures' and then plead that the author to resubmit it once he's awarded a Pulitzer...

    This wishy washy crap is really showing everyone just how UNDERHANDED they treat the whole process.

    x2 of what you said.... you verbalized what I was trying to say a lot better than I. :o

    sentra b13. Bar BNF14 Sentra B13 91-94
  • Bar BNF14 Sentra B13 91-94

  • fastred
    Sep 25, 11:01 PM
    Cripes... it helps to *read* around a bit before loosing your rag...

    Bloggers always go overboard on this stuff. It is clear that Apple is trying to protect their "iPod" brand, not attack "podcast" per se...

    See the Zdnet dicussion of this, which includes an excerpt of a letter from Apple which specifically excludes "podcast" as a term they are seeking to protect...

    To many people jump on bandwagons before they check their facts...


    sentra b13. NISSAN SENTRA B13 1994 2
  • NISSAN SENTRA B13 1994 2

  • blacktape242
    Feb 18, 04:56 PM
    Or how about the lack of pictures? This had photo op written all over it, but we the taxpayer only get one picture? I think the number of pictures were limited due to Steve Jobs current condition.

    could be possible i suppose....who knows.

    sentra b13. 92 93 94 SENTRA B13 AE0002
  • 92 93 94 SENTRA B13 AE0002

  • Ja Di ksw
    Nov 14, 01:11 PM
    Does anyone know if the new Holiday Justin Long commercials will be advertised? If I remember correctly, the Will Ferrell ones were just online and not on any TV. At least not that I saw.

    While I do enjoy debate (not argument) on religion, can we please move it out of this thread? I've created a new one where you can move the discussion to, if you would be so kind:

    sentra b13. Nissan Sunny/Sentra B13 and
  • Nissan Sunny/Sentra B13 and

  • MacCoaster
    Sep 22, 12:50 AM
    Originally posted by wilburpan

    Granted doesn't really clarify what benchmarks they use, but in their estimation, a dual 1.25GHz Mac beats a 2.4 Ghz P4 by a hair, and is just a little behind a 2.8 GHz P4. Likewise, a 800MHz G4 is very comparable to a 1.8 Ghz P4. The important thing that I see in this ranking is that in perusing the rest of this website, the people who came up with these ratings do not look to be particularly Mac friendly.

    Based on this, I would have to disagree with your assertion that "the g4 cannot beat the p4 in performance", unless your only criteria for performance is sheer GHz speed. It seems to me that at the high end, the two chips are at least competitive, and in the middle of the pack, I would say that Macs are a better buy.
    I wouldn't say that 800MHz G4 would match 1.8GHz. Notice the 1.25GHz they used is *DUAL* processor 1.25GHz. Maybe *DUAL* 800MHzs.

    Dec 7, 07:17 PM
    My Wife Died in May after battling the Disease for 2 and 1/2 years anyone who fights Cancer is a hero of epic proportions. My Wife, also Elizabeth met the end of her life with such optomism and dignity , Like Ms Edwards. I Know i could never could deal with it as well as they did.

    Apr 13, 05:59 AM
    My pet peeve with Outlook calendar still hasn't been addressed. I start my workday at 6:30 AM and MS only allows you to start/end your day on the hour. It would be a simple fix to add the half hours to the pulldown setting (so it matches what is in Outlook 98, 2000, 2010) but they chose not to for some reason.

    May 2, 03:06 PM
    I think that no other company has their products come under more scrutiny than Apple. It is amazing. When folks say how the media just falls over Apple and praises them constantly -- it cracks me up. The media is just itching for bad news on Apple, and they are looking in every possible place to find it.

    What shocks me is the level of forgiveness that competing tablets against the iPad are getting. Apple is so dominating the tablet-computing sector right now, that the media is just hoping for a contender. Motorola and RIM have both released "Beta Hardware (" to the public and many reviewers are being soft on RIM with even more being soft on Motorola. If Apple released such a product they would get blasted in the media with nobody offering forgiveness.

    Case and point... Mossberg on the iPad 2:

    Keep in mind that Apple advertises 10 hours and Mossberg got better than that with the brightness setting 25% higher than Apple's default setting. Yet he had to reach to find something to complain about (e.g.: his iPad 1 test unit just happened to have extraordinary battery life -- keep in mind that most reviewers of iPad 2 got better battery life than iPad 1).

    Gruber criticizes Mossberg even more in a post called "Bending Over Backwards" ( Some of Gruber's points are arguable, but I think he is dead-on in many regards, especially his final quote:

    Apple, however, does not get to enjoy the luxury of forgiveness that the media affords to those who are not the market leader. The fact that folks are trying to quantify a thickness difference of 0.2 mm on some units, completely amazes me. I'm sure its within manufacturing specifications and I'm sure that not every single Black iPhone 4 is the same thickness, and yet it is news.

    You are my hero :)

    Sep 25, 11:21 AM
    It says "MacBook" updates at this event. I hope that wasn't a typo! :eek: :D
    It is not a typo, but look at the full statement: There have been rumors of Aperture updates and possibly MacBook updates at this event.
    You have neglected two key words, "rumors" and "possibly." Those two words in combination like that shouldn't get your hopes up that much for a MacBook update. :(

    Chef Medeski
    Nov 22, 07:15 AM
    If the Intel chips burn 100W, then 9% conversion efficiency would generate 9W of electricity. In absolute terms, that's not too bad. You can do a lot with 9W. If you have a 5 hour battery life now, and can use these on all the major power sinks, you'd get 5.5 hours of battery life.
    Hold up! 9% is and Ideal Carnot Engine efficiency. Real World efficiecny would be about 1/5. So, at most you are going to get 1.8W and thats if the fans dissipate 100W of heat which is ridiculously high number. I would see it around 20W, meaning your recycled energy would be .37W. What can you do with that? Oh right power partially a fan.

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