Sunday, July 24, 2011

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  • MacRumors
    Jan 6, 03:07 PM (

    Facebook today updated its iPhone and iPod touch application [App Store (, Free] to Version 3.1, adding highly-anticipated push notifications and the ability to sync Facebook friends with users' address books. Facebook's push notifications offer a fairly high degree of customization, allowing users to choose whether to receive alerts for seven categories of information.

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  • JayLenochiniMac
    Jun 10, 12:31 PM
    if and when iPhone comes to Teen-Mobile or sprint you will see those unlimited data plans disappear and tiered data in it's place

    It's already happened without T-Mobile's help.

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  • j_maddison
    Jan 4, 12:40 PM
    I am sure this works like other download GPS apps. They download the maps based on the route. They download the hold trip as soon as you start out and cache the maps. So, unless you are starting out without coverage, i don't see how this would be an issue.

    i can't comment on the USA, but in the UK the data coverage can vary substantially. The best voice network is not always the best data network. O2 for example have a good voice network in the UK, but are by far the worst for 3G coverage.

    I can't see how this type of set up could work for people who rely on GPS on a daily basis, weekend travellers maybe, but not people who rely on GPS for their jobs

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  • CylonGlitch
    Mar 25, 09:31 AM
    I would really like to read the patent. Yes, there are some very generic patents out there; some are upheld others are not. Going based on only what I have heard; a 1997 patent for a preview of a picture may not hold water. I say this only because there were video cameras at that time that had the preview screen (I owned one) and it could be argued that this is just an extension of that technology. Thus not a new invention or one that exists with prior art and thus making it invalid.

    BUT it depends a lot on the details of the patent. I've been through the litigation process over a generally generic patent. The patent itself was fine, but the lawsuit stretched the coverage of the idea. What happens, and I'm sure is what happened in this case, is that they hand over their patent portfolio to a company that specializes on suing companies for patent violations. The company gets a percentage of everything they win; but the general mode is to sue everyone and hope someone settles. Very often, these companies don't really know what the patent is, they just guess that you have something similar so it must be in violation so they sue. The company who is being sued can settle for much less; or fight it in court to determine if they actually did infringe, which could be just as expensive.

    It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out . . . I really need to get back to writing patents, there is big money involved there.


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  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 06:57 PM
    Server Monitor, system image and workgroup manager.

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  • res1233
    Jun 20, 05:43 AM
    No. Apple has an application called Aperture. Many DSLR cameras for professional users (for example the press) use SD cards to save the picture data. HD camcorders use also SD cards to save the video data.

    You obviously do not know the SD card market. Cheap and fast SD cards with a capacity of 1 GB (a CD holds 0.7 GB or 700 MB) are now available for 3 to 5 years. The reasons why most people do not use these for the data exchange are that USB flash drives are much cheaper, more robust and nearly every computer has a USB port.

    Ah, so that makes sense. Since macs are used extensively by video/audio people, it would make sense that apple would provide support for this new tech, even though it hasn't been thoroughly tested yet. Apple often waits till technology's tested before it makes the leap, unless it's really sure it's a good idea (USB).


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  • Huntn
    Apr 28, 06:39 PM
    Isn't the current federal tax on gas a type of driving tax? :)

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  • efoto
    Oct 5, 02:30 PM
    Thank you for all your work on the widget, especially the last fix ;)

    Lovely thing that always reminds me of my status and the teams. Thanks again for the efforts, best of skill with work and school. Hopefully we will continue to see you around.


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  • (from left) Halle Berry,

  • OneMike
    Mar 13, 10:16 AM
    I think this is the first year that everything in my house is all automatically adjusted. Except the kids who didn't get the memo. Instead of waking an hour later they got up 1.5 hours early.

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  • JoeG4
    Apr 22, 05:51 PM
    I'll take the Fonz mantra here: If you're cool, you know it and don't have to tell everyone. I think the guy that wrote that article is probably a moron in a depressed state trying to make himself feel better.


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  • HexMonkey
    Jun 1, 05:01 AM
    Has anyone any objections with the beta category idea? I'd quite like to see what they are like...

    It would significantly increase the amount of work. There are currently 671 articles in at least one category. Every single one of these would have to be edited to be put in a beta category, and then again to be put in their final category.

    If we don't take this approach, only some of these 671 articles will need to be edited, as not all categories will be renamed. This would require only a few hundred edits instead of over 1300. I don't know about you, but I have better things to do than making 1000 extra edits to trial a new structure. ;)

    catwoman halle berry haircut. Halle Berry Is STILL Pregnant
  • Halle Berry Is STILL Pregnant

  • Cowinacape
    Sep 19, 11:11 PM
    Ok just so my pea brain has a proper handle on this, are people saying that all I have to do is simply install XP, off of my XP disk, onto a free HDD, and viola, I am done? I'll assume that I will also need some drivers for video, and such as well, but I am trying to wrap my head around this, forgive my ignorance, but I haven't used a Mac past OS 9.2.2.


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  • rekhyt
    Dec 12, 05:51 AM
    What about downloading a heart shape image (found via Image Search, large or bigger) and use that as mask via the WAND tool?


    Genius. .

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  • nylonsteel
    Mar 25, 05:28 PM
    Random thoughts
    1) only the lawyers will win
    2) Kodak wanting a bite out of aapl cash - what is it now at - 50 something billion


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  • redeye be
    Jul 14, 06:26 PM
    My user name is Astral_Cars and ID number is 379088 (I think) but my stats aren't on EOC, that's the problem. I've had it running for three or four days and I'm still not on there.
    Nothing anybody here can do really. has no Astral_Cars either.
    Maybe you should just wait until you've ended a WU or you've mistyped your username.

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  • CaryMacGuy
    Aug 19, 10:22 AM
    Goodbye has been nice knowing you.


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  • robeddie
    Apr 21, 11:53 AM
    Apple is a business, and its not only a possibility but expected to withhold features from products to help sell other products.

    Your analogy is not as black and white as you portray it. Air conditioning is a feature that many many cars have. To not include it would be a deal breaker for almost every customer out there. Meanwhile lets say leather interior was a feature that was standard on another model it would make you think twice when thinking which model to buy either between that of the same brand (in this case ford) or another lets say Nissan. If you wanted to use your same analogy in this situation it would be if Apple choose to withhold a trackpad on the laptop.

    Same thing here. BL KB is a feature that is not too standard on ALL laptops. Its more or less a luxury feature that differentiates itself from not only other Apple laptops but other companies laptops.

    But to take it away ... after it had long be a 'standard' feature, that's what's vexing. That's all I'm saying. It's weird to make one part of your product line go backwards (after so many years of having the feature) in order to all the sudden assert that the rest of the line is now 'luxary'.

    Usually, yesterday's luxaries become tomorrows 'standard' feature. It's downright inane to go backwards in that regard.

    And I'll go with your analogy. If apple suddenly took away trackpads on their lower end laptops and declared it a luxary feature... we'd all be pissed as hell. I really don't see how this is any different.

    catwoman halle berry haircut. HALLE BERRY CATWOMAN HAIRCUT

  • AvSRoCkCO1067
    Aug 14, 01:41 PM
    Not because of these commercials.

    Honestly, neither of us is a marketing guru. However, we both do know a few things:

    1) Apple's market share has been increasing recently (simultaneously with its Intel transition and introduction of new ads)

    2) Apple recently claimed that it believes market share has been increasing partially because of these ads at its recent quarterly report.

    3) Apple has committed millions of dollars to both developing these ads and paying for them to be seen on both popular television programming and internet websites.

    I'm sure Apple and its marketing team knows better than we do - they wouldn't keep showing these ads if they believed they had a negative effect on the marketplace.

    Then by what? Thes ads certainly arent hurting Apple.

    Exactly - enlighten us. How do you know why its marketshare has increased as of late? Neither me nor freeny claim that its SOLELY because of the ads - but how can you prove that the ads haven't convinced 1 single switcher...?

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  • Knowimagination
    Mar 11, 10:01 AM
    Nearing 30 at University.

    Wow I may have to head out there sooner than expected

    Nov 12, 08:14 AM
    I'm not sure why you guys think the ads are more amusing simply because they're in a foreign language :confused: Not everyone in the world speaks english.

    yes but they're all trying to speak english, they just can't get it right

    Doctor Q
    Mar 20, 11:09 PM
    what kind of school would need the ipad over a mac or pc?
    It's up to innovative schools to decide whether, and how, iPads have a role in schools. They might have good uses in classrooms, libraries, labs, reading clubs, alongside computers, instead of computers, or who knows.

    Dec 18, 09:02 AM
    Just as I did in that one, I think it's incredibly sad. The irony in what the RATM croud are trying to achieve is particularly amusing.Why is it "sad"? :confused:

    Feb 18, 10:32 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; nl-nl) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Get better for the sake of mankind, mr jobs!

    Sep 16, 07:15 AM
    Originally posted by solvs

    .I'd rather have a Mac, but don't fool yourself. You can build a really nice PC for less than $2,000 (with plenty of basic software that helps you crash Windows even faster) that blows the $3,000+ machines out of the water. You get a nice, out of the box experiance with OS X.2, but is it worth it for the higher price and slower performance. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

    Again, you are living in the past. Macs are now fast and a very good deal. Premiere is not a pro video app and is not optimized for the Mac, Imovie(a free app) and Final cut render much faster. I still have premiere but is very slow on the Mac and I won't upgrade. You can do audio and video on any computer but when you do it to make your living you have to look at the whole picture and that means looking at everything pcs included, and right now the Mac is a better deal overall.

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