Saturday, July 23, 2011

lock tattoos

lock tattoos. for previous lock tattoo.
  • for previous lock tattoo.

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 5, 01:44 PM
    That must mean I'm not normal. :D

    Same here, I do stuff on my MacBook Pro beyond the iPad's capabilities :eek:

    lock tattoos. Heart Lock Tattoo Bilder
  • Heart Lock Tattoo Bilder

  • Goldinboy17
    Mar 24, 10:04 PM
    Just got mine fired up! Love it!

    Why would one jailbreak? What is the benefit? Just curious as I haven't updated yet. Thanks!

    I'm off to browse from the couch :)

    I specifically did it so I could install ZumoCast and use MyWi On Demand so I can tether to my iPad without significantly damaging my phones battery.

    lock tattoos. Tattoos-69.jpg lock and key
  • Tattoos-69.jpg lock and key

  • inkswamp
    Mar 26, 08:19 PM

    STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
    ERIC: Yes.

    Funny, but considering the Man in Black goes around gathering information about people and promising them everything they want for free, I'm not so sure you have the roles quite right. :D

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  • amateurmacfreak
    Jul 10, 06:01 PM
    That's really intense. I didn't know it would garner that much dedication out of Nashville people. (I would be in Nashville getting mine, but alas, I am out of town... I would probably be at the GH Apple Store, though...)


    lock tattoos. Heart Shaped Lock Tattoos
  • Heart Shaped Lock Tattoos

  • BeamWalker
    Mar 17, 05:03 AM
    I could only dream about the "high" US Prices here in Germany. We pay about 1,50 € (2,09 $)/ Liter 98. That is around 5,70 € (7,95 $) / US Gallon. 3 weeks ago it was almost 10cent/liter higher though, so I call myself lucky.

    lock tattoos. Heart Lock Tattoo Pendant
  • Heart Lock Tattoo Pendant

  • Tyre
    Jun 10, 02:38 PM
    this analyst needs to do better homework. the t-mobile 3g band isn't supported on any of the iphones, including the iphone 4.

    As opposed to what, the new CDMA iPhone? As was stated by screensaver400 it would be much easier to add a 1700 band than redesign for CDMA (though numerous rumors have suggested that Apple is preparing a CDMA iPhone.)

    As for carriers, look what the iPhone does to networks, both here and abroad. How much complaining do you hear about AT&T and O2 as exclusive carriers? The huge strain on their networks balances out the publicity and business they've gotten from being the sole cell companies offering the iPhone. The unlimited data plan castration will follow the iPhone wherever it goes. It could make a comeback as networks improve, but I doubt it because bandwidth expansion is accompanied with larger/more complex files.

    Add an iPhone potentially video conferencing over 3g plus multitasking and no carrier would be willing to shoulder that data load.


    lock tattoos. heart lock and key tattoo
  • heart lock and key tattoo

  • queshy
    Nov 13, 12:15 AM
    Why did they replace Justin Long in these ads? ...I could have sworn he spoke Japanese. ;) :p

    Ya! remember the camera one when he talks to the japanese camera!

    The first time I watched I couldnt even tell which one was the Mac lol....I still liked it.

    lock tattoos. a lock and key.done at faith
  • a lock and key.done at faith

  • Eraserhead
    Apr 9, 07:19 PM
    I didn't realize assisting in procuring abortion for child prostitutes counted as reporting to the FBI

    Obviously you've been reading the wrong sources, in all the cases Planned Parenthood gave advice, but then reported the case to the FBI.

    People are a nation's greatest asset.

    Unwanted people are far from an asset.


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  • Heart Lock amp; Key Tattoo. by Ashton Anderson @ Southside Tattoo amp; Piercing Heart Lock amp; Key tattoo. by Ashton Anderson @ Southside Tattoo amp; Piercing

  • rdsaunders
    Oct 29, 03:37 PM
    I just wrote a little bit of a blog entry on the Regent Street opening you an read it here

    lock tattoos. ugly stupid tattoo
  • ugly stupid tattoo

  • bassfingers
    Apr 22, 01:56 PM
    I think Republicans just have this weird vision for America where everyone is capable and responsible. We're not. So we need

    ... free everything and someone to teach us how to wipe our butts. We have this weird vision for American where everything should be an incentive to be responsible.

    anything else promotes irresponsibility

    "Hmmm, I already have health care, a second hand television, and enough food to live off of... Nahhh, I'll just look for a job next week" (all meanwhile we're swimming in unsustainable debt, and outrageous taxation) = nightmare scenario

    the funny thing is that some of you would say "your nightmare scenario sounds awesome!", and that makes me sad


    lock tattoos. naked girl tattoos.
  • naked girl tattoos.

  • r1ch4rd
    Mar 25, 05:51 AM
    Not a plug... but.... tells me what the prices are around my post code.

    Friday's were: 128.9p for 95RON Unleaded and 131.9p for 98/99RON (Which I use).

    That's a pretty nifty site. Turns out where I usually get my petrol was the cheapest nearby, but good for when I am away from home and need to find somewhere.

    lock tattoos. Winged Heart Lock Tattoo by
  • Winged Heart Lock Tattoo by

  • Gosh
    Oct 27, 05:32 PM
    Can somebody explain to me why anybody would want to pay $100/year for an email account with only 1 GB of storage?

    Because you love Apple and want them to be really profitable and design more wonderful stuff and take over the world and you can say you were ahead of the curve rather than having to explain why a computer needn't crash! Or maybe you just got $100 to burn and you could do worse!;)


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  • lock and key tattoos. key tattoos. 74k: Lock and Key; key tattoos. 74k: Lock and Key. swingsong. Jan 10, 03:52 PM. Movie and TV show rentals coming to

  • imacintel
    Nov 14, 08:47 AM
    C'mon...Air Canada? Anybody?

    I <3 E190

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  • key and lock free tattoo

  • tk421
    Aug 19, 10:48 AM
    YEP! - But how many people say "do you have a Facebook" when you first meet them and add them later in the day? Also, haven't you heard about the privacy issues, you surely must not live under a rock!

    Why are you adding people that you only met hours earlier if you are concerned about privacy issues? I really don't think this new feature is anything to get too alarmed about. It's like any other information people already post on Facebook—just think before you post.

    That said, I have no intention of using this new feature. But I don't think I'm a typical Facebook user. I only log in about once a week, and rarely post anything.


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  • lock tattoo 鎖刺青

  • SevenInchScrew
    Jun 14, 05:37 PM
    I dont understand why MS would put a huge vent on top of the unit. Dust will clog the fans like crazy, and with the 360's horrid stability record i would be very nervous laying it down flat on my shelf.
    There are huge grilles on both the top and bottom, and on the side. Obviously, everyone knows that heat is the main issue for the original 360's problems, so MS seems to be doing everything they can to ensure that air can get in, no matter which way it is laying. Time will tell how well it works.
    What the heck are all of the USB ports for?
    It does seem superfluous to have 3 ports now that wifi is (finally) built in and Kinect has its own port.
    Well, they got rid of the slots for their older Memory Units, so I'm guessing the plethora of USB ports are to make up for that. Now that you can use regular USB drives for that purpose, they need to make sure you can have a couple plugged in at once, along with any other accessories you might need (guitars, wheels, etc).

    lock tattoos. lock tattoos. traditional
  • lock tattoos. traditional

  • francisq
    Mar 26, 04:18 PM
    SJ: I know It was you Schimdt!!! you broke my heart!! you broke my heart!!


    lock tattoos. Heart Lock
  • Heart Lock

  • tsadi
    Apr 5, 10:47 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I always question the sanity of people who claim to question other peoples sanity of ridiculous things. :cool:

    Have you ever gone to move your finger across the trackpad and find that it registered it as a tap instead? Drives me nuts.

    This has never happened me, and I never click on the trackpad. In fact, among the first things that I always set in a new Mac install are to set the tap as a click and other things like enabling full path display in Finder.

    Why do you question the sanity of people who do things differently compared to you?

    lock tattoos. Lock and Key Tattoos by
  • Lock and Key Tattoos by

  • cgc
    Apr 12, 01:01 PM
    A little off topic, but question for those who need Office software, and also run Parallels/Fusion: Do you prefer Office For Mac, or do you prefer to run "regular" Office in Parallels/Fusion? Thanks.

    I have Office 2011 for Mac and Office 2010 for Windows which I run in VMWare Fusion (got both for $9.95 each through Microsoft's Home Use Program). I much prefer Excel 2010 in Windows but Word 2011 and PowerPoint 2011 for Mac are fine.

    lock tattoos. Heart Shaped Lock Tattoo
  • Heart Shaped Lock Tattoo

  • caspersoong
    May 3, 05:52 AM
    Steve Jobs should come back to beef up quality control.

    Mar 25, 09:31 AM
    I would really like to read the patent. Yes, there are some very generic patents out there; some are upheld others are not. Going based on only what I have heard; a 1997 patent for a preview of a picture may not hold water. I say this only because there were video cameras at that time that had the preview screen (I owned one) and it could be argued that this is just an extension of that technology. Thus not a new invention or one that exists with prior art and thus making it invalid.

    BUT it depends a lot on the details of the patent. I've been through the litigation process over a generally generic patent. The patent itself was fine, but the lawsuit stretched the coverage of the idea. What happens, and I'm sure is what happened in this case, is that they hand over their patent portfolio to a company that specializes on suing companies for patent violations. The company gets a percentage of everything they win; but the general mode is to sue everyone and hope someone settles. Very often, these companies don't really know what the patent is, they just guess that you have something similar so it must be in violation so they sue. The company who is being sued can settle for much less; or fight it in court to determine if they actually did infringe, which could be just as expensive.

    It'll be interesting to see how this one turns out . . . I really need to get back to writing patents, there is big money involved there.

    May 2, 08:48 AM
    yes, only isheeps would pay $300 for a cover!!!

    they deserve it.

    Feb 12, 07:51 PM
    Ummm... Control-I?

    yep, that did it... cheers.

    Apr 5, 02:39 PM
    Here's the gist of the problem: too generous state worker union pensions. I wouldn't be surprised that these pensions are extensively re-done to drastically cut its cost in order to reduce state budget deficits.

    Yup, the collapse of the economy (and therefore many people's 401k's and other retirement nest eggs) coupled with the continuation of cutting taxes and giving massive tax cuts (often times almost identical in size to the cuts to social programs, hmm...) to corporations who don't pay their taxes in the first place had NOTHING to do with it. :rolleyes:

    People like this really make me angry.

    Dec 1, 10:58 AM
    If you want it, buy it. Stop complaining about other people's success. Lots of people sell 3rd party junk.

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